Universität Bonn

Quantum Fluids of Light

Quantum Fluids of Light group
Dr. Julian Schmitt
Optical quantum gases
Photon condensation in tailored landscapes: From harmonic traps to lattice, ring and box potentials
Emergent phenomena
Complex systems made of light
Quantum Fluids of Light group
Optical quantum gases
Emergent phenomena

We are a young and dynamic research group at the Institute of Applied Physics at the University of Bonn.

Our group explores quantum fluids of light to study emergent many-body phenomena, such as superfluidity or turbulence. Quantum fluids of light can be experimentally realized within microscopic optical cavities, where the photons are trapped in intricate lattice or box potentials. With this experimental platform, we investigate topological physics, the interplay of quantum effects and dissipation, and quantum communication. Unravelling such open questions is at the forefront of today’s research in quantum physics and may lead to new applications for future quantum technologies.

To learn more about our research you can take a look at our previous publications. You can also contact us directly with any questions.

We are always looking for Bachelor and Master students, and offer research projects within the Undergraduate Research Internship Program of the Cluster of Excellence "Matter and Light for Quantum Computing" (ML4Q). More details can be found here.

Latest news

Dimensional crossover from 2D to 1D: New paper in Nature Physics!

Together with colleagues from RPTU, we have studied the crossover in a quantum gas of light from 2D to 1D. Read it here.

Paper on photon BEC in a four-site lattice is out in PRL!

Photons condense into a delocalized state of a coupled four-site lattice. Read the paper here or on the arxiv!

SFB 185 "Open System Control of Atomic and Photonic Matter" extended!

Our project "Dynamical signatures of topological states in photon condensates" receives funding by the DFG.

Wissenschaftspreis 2024 for Julian

The Industrie-Club Düsseldorf e.V. and the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy for Sciences and Arts have awarded the Wissenschaftspreis 2024 to Julian Schmitt.

Kicking a Quantum Gas of Light: New paper in Nature Communications!

A fundamental relation connecting the temporal fluctuations and the response behaviour has been experimentally observed in a quantum gas made of photons, the particles of light. The validity of this so-called quantum regression theorem could so far not be directly revealed for quantum gases.

Julian receives the Rudolf Kaiser Prize

Dr. Julian Schmitt from the Institute of Applied Physics at the University of Bonn is to receive the 2023 Rudolf Kaiser Prize, one of the most prestigious accolades in Germany for early-career natural scientists working in the field of physics. 

First Bachelor projects successfully finished in QFL group!

Our first two Bachelor students, Marlon Demmerle and Darius Hoyer, have successfully finished their Bachelor theses in the QFL-Lab! Congratulations!!!

Paper on dissipative topological states appears in PRL!

We have observed the emergence and breakdown of topological edge states in an open hybrid light-matter system. Read the paper here or on arxiv!

SFB 185 intensive week workshop "Machine Learning in Physics"

The SFB OSCAR Student iWeek on "Machine Learning in Physics" took place between 28.08. - 01.09.2023 at the Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics in Bonn.

Fluctuation-dissipation relation in a photon BEC

Our experimental confirmation of the validity of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in a Bose-Einstein condensate is published in Physical Review Letters.

Turbulence in a 2D quantum gas: New paper in PRL!

We have measured the emergence of turbulence and its dynamic scaling using a quantum gas of ultracold atoms. Read the paper here.

Julian awarded ERC Starting Grant for his project "TopoGrand"!

In his ERC Starting Grant "Non Hermitian Topological Physics in Grand Canonical Photon Lattices", Julian and his team will develop a strategy with which new and topologically protected quantum states can be generated and observed in open systems.


Get in touch!

Dr. Julian Schmitt


+49 (0)228 73-60122

Contact the institute

Institute of Applied Physics

Wegelerstraße 8
University of Bonn
53115 Bonn, Germany

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