Universität Bonn

Quantum Fluids of Light

Quantum Fluids of Light group
Dr. Julian Schmitt
Optical quantum gases
Photon condensation in tailored landscapes: From harmonic traps to lattice, ring and box potentials
Emergent phenomena
Complex systems made of light
Quantum Fluids of Light group
Optical quantum gases
Emergent phenomena



Observation of a topological edge state stabilized by dissipation
H. Wetter, M. Fleischhauer, S. Linden, and J. Schmitt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 083801 (2023), arxiv:2303.07346 
Data repository (Zenodo)

Sunlight-pumped two-dimensional thermalized photon gas
E. Busley, L. Espert Miranda, C. Kurtscheid, F. Wolf, F. Vewinger, J. Schmitt, and M. Weitz
Phys. Rev. A 107, 052204 (2023), arxiv:2207.12070

Fluctuation-dissipation relation for a Bose-Einstein condensate of photons
F. E. Oeztuerk, F. Vewinger, M. Weitz, and J. Schmitt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 033602 (2023), arXiv:2203.13255v1, Press release University of Bonn
Data repository (Zenodo)


Emergence of isotropy and dynamic scaling in 2D wave turbulence in a homogeneous Bose gas
M. Gałka, P. Christodoulou, M. Gazo, A. Karailiev, N. Dogra, J. Schmitt, and Z. Hadzibabic
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 190402 (2022), arXiv:2203.09514v2, Synopsis in Physics 15, s151
Data repository (Apollo)

Kompressibles Quantengas aus Licht
E. Busley, L. Espert Miranda, M. Weitz, and J. Schmitt
Phys. in unserer Zeit 53, 166 (2022)

Compressibility and the equation of state of an optical quantum gas
E. Busley, L. Espert Miranda, A. Redmann, C. Kurtscheid, K. Karkihalli Umesh, F. Vewinger, M. Weitz, and J. Schmitt
Science 375, 6587 (2022), arXiv:2112.12787, Science Perspective by R. J. Fletcher and M. W. Zwierlein, bild der wissenschaft (12-2022)
Data repository (Zenodo)


Observation of first and second sound in a BKT superfluid
P. Christodoulou, M. Gałka, N. Dogra, R. Lopes, J. Schmitt, and Z. Hadzibabic
Nature 594, 191–194 (2021), arXiv:2008.06044, News & Views by S. Stringari

Phasen eines Bose-Einstein-Kondensats aus Licht
F. E. Öztürk, J. Schmitt, J. Kroha, and M. Weitz
Phys. in unserer Zeit 52, 162 (2021)

Observation of a Non-Hermitian Phase Transition in a Photonic Quantum Gas
F. E. Oeztuerk, T. Lappe, G. Hellmann, J. Schmitt, J. Klaers, F. Vewinger, J. Kroha, and M. Weitz
Science 372, 88–91 (2021), arXiv:2010.15829


Realizing arbitrary trapping potentials for light via direct laser writing of mirror surface profiles
C. Kurtscheid, D. Dung, A. Redmann, E. Busley, J. Klaers, F. Vewinger, J. Schmitt, and M. Weitz
Europhys. Lett. 130, 54001 (2020), arXiv: 2007.00312

2019 – 2010

Fluctuation dynamics of an open photon Bose-Einstein condensate
F. E. Oeztuerk, T. Lappe, G. Hellmann, J. Schmitt, J. Klaers, F. Vewinger, J. Kroha, and M. Weitz
Phys. Rev. A 100, 043803 (2019), arXiv:1908.00883

Dynamics and correlations of a Bose-Einstein condensate of photonsJ. Schmitt
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. 51, 173001 (2018), arXiv:1807.08747

Elliptic flow in a strongly-interacting normal Bose gas
R. J. Fletcher, J. Man, R. Lopes, P. Christodoulou, J. Schmitt, M. Sohmen, N. Navon, R. P. Smith, and Z. Hadzibabic
Phys. Rev. A 98, 011601 (2018), arXiv:1803.06338 

Variable potentials for thermalized light and coupled condensates
D. Dung, C. Kurtscheid, T. Damm, J. Schmitt, F. Vewinger, M. Weitz, and J. Klaers
Nat. Photon. 11, 565–569 (2017), arXiv:1707.06789

First-order spatial coherence measurements in a thermalized two-dimensional photonic quantum gas
T. Damm, D. Dung, F. Vewinger, M. Weitz, and J. Schmitt
Nat. Commun. 8, 158 (2017), arXiv: 1707.04462

Absorption spectroscopy of xenon and ethylene in high-pressure noble gas mixtures: Towards Bose-Einstein condensation of vacuum ultraviolet photons
C. Wahl, R. Brausemann, J. Schmitt, F. Vewinger, S. Christopoulos, and M. Weitz
Appl. Phys. B 122, 296 (2016), arXiv:1608.00502

Calorimetry of a Bose-Einstein condensed photon gas
T. Damm, J. Schmitt, Q. Liang, D. Dung, F. Vewinger, M. Weitz, and J. Klaers
Nat. Commun. 7, 11340 (2016), arXiv 1604.08747

Spontaneous symmetry breaking and phase coherence of a photon Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to a reservoir
J. Schmitt, T. Damm, D. Dung, C. Wahl, F. Vewinger, J. Klaers, and M. Weitz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 033604 (2016), arXiv:1512.07148

Thermalization kinetics of light: From laser dynamics to equilibrium condensation of photons
J. Schmitt, T. Damm, D. Dung, F. Vewinger, J. Klaers, and M. Weitz
Phys. Rev. A 92, 011602 (2015), arXiv:1410.5713

Observation of grand-canonical number statistics in a photon Bose-Einstein condensateJ. Schmitt, T. Damm, D. Dung, F. Vewinger, J. Klaers, and M. Weitz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 030401 (2014), arXiv:1311.6634Viewpoint by C. Ciuti

Statistical Physics of Bose-Einstein-condensed light in a dye microcavity
J. Klaers, J. Schmitt, T. Damm, F. Vewinger, and M. Weitz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 160403 (2012), arXiv:1201.0444

Thermalization of a two-dimensional photon gas in a polymeric host matrix
J. Schmitt, T. Damm, F. Vewinger, M. Weitz, and J. Klaers
New J. Phys. 14, 075019 (2012), arXiv:1201.4658

Bose-Einstein condensation of paraxial light
J. Klaers, J. Schmitt, T. Damm, F. Vewinger, and M. Weitz
Appl. Phys. B 105, 17–33 (2011), arXiv:1109.4023

Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in an optical microcavity
J. Klaers, J. Schmitt, F. Vewinger, and M. Weitz
Nature 468, 545–548 (2010), arXiv:1007.4088, Nature News & Views by J. Anglin



Here you can find former project theses (Bachelor, Master to PhD) from our group.

Hochauflösende Spektroskopie und Frequenzstabilisierung von optischen Quantengasen (German)
Darius Hoyer, Bachelor thesis, University of Bonn, September 2023

Thermooptischer Effekt in Öl-basierten Farbstofflösungen (German)
Marlon Demmerle, Bachelor thesis, University of Bonn, September 2023

Interferometrische Bestimmung des thermooptischen Koeffizienten von flüssigen Lösungsmitteln für Farbstofflösungen (German)
Felix Geldbach, Bachelor thesis, University of Bonn, July 2024

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